Company Profile
CocoTech Consulting Co., Ltd. was organized in 2018 around a passionate team of designers and developers who have been working together and building mobile applications since 2013. CocoTech’s team has a wide range of academic and specialty experience in Media and information technology. Cocotech aims to promote unique and innovative mobile experiences for you.
CocoTech’s mission is to create an equal opportunity environment for local community-based young talent to join us in participating in digital projects which empower their skills and serve to grow the self-sustaining micro economy by partnering with Global advisers, mentors, organization and business building our next generation of online experiences.
Why us?
- We help you grow your non-profit organization or for-profit business by making beautiful and sophisticated mobile Apps affordable to build and easy to use for your customers.
- We deliver a wide range of advanced technical expertise and design solutions for multiple global markets.
- We ensure Quality, Reliability, Affordability, Fast Delivery and Support for any product we build.
Company Profile
Our Services
Technologies we use
iOS, Android, OSX, Windows
Objective-C, Swift, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Java, Kotlin, Spring, C++, C#, Python, Flutter
Blockchain:, IBM’s HyperLedger Fabric
Web Development:
ASP.NET, PHP, Joomla, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, Bootstrap4, CSS, CSS3, LESS, SASS, Angular 6+, W3C, HAML, jQuery, Laravel, Progressive Web Apps, GraphQL. Odoo,
AWS, IIS, Apache, Nginx, NodeJS, Firebase/FireStore,, XMPP Server (Openfire), Socket Server (
MySQL, SQL Server, Postgre SQL, MongoDB, Redis, Realm.IO
Web Design, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Max3D
Payment Gateway API and digital wallets
Braintree, Paypal, Stripe, Square, Alipay, ApplePay/GooglePay (International customer only), eWAY, PayWay, Pipay, WeChat Pay, Wing, TrueMoney, PayGo, etc.
Our Team
Bina KEO
Founding/CEO Managing Director
Founding/COO Operations Director
Technical Manager / Full Stack Developer
Sovannarith SOK
iOS Team Leader Software Engineer
Android Team Leader Android Software Engineer
Ratanak KEO
iOS software Developer
Som SE
Android Software Developer
Pisey SEN
Android & Windows Software Developer
Pliny Porter
CEO SuperApp, LLC.